Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1.
Replaces superseded equivalent CPPDSM4009B Interpret legislation to complete agency work.
This version first released with CPP Property Services Training Package Version 5.
This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to source and interpret legislation affecting operations in the property industry. It includes identifying and applying statutory interpretation techniques, identifying and tracking changes to relevant property industry legislation and industry codes of conduct, and maintaining appropriate records.
The unit supports the work of professionals in the property industry, including licensed real estate and stock and station agents, strata managers and their authorised representatives, with regard to identifying, interpreting and applying legislation and industry codes of conduct affecting property operations.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit in some States and Territories. Relevant state and territory regulatory authorities should be consulted to confirm those requirements.
Pre-requisite Unit
Competency Field
Strata community management
Unit Sector
Property services
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes. |
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the range of conditions. |
1. |
Identify legal principles and legislative requirements affecting property operations. |
1.1. |
Legal framework in which property organisations operate is identified. |
1.2. |
Components of statute law and their relationships are identified with respect to their application to practice in the property industry. |
1.3. |
Source documents for legislation and regulations relating to provision of property services are identified and accessed. |
2. |
Interpret legislative requirements affecting property operations. |
2.1. |
Structure of property legislation and regulations are identified. |
2.2. |
Common interpretation problems with property legislation and regulations are identified. |
2.3. |
Rules and techniques for interpreting property legislation and regulations are identified and applied. |
3. |
Identify changes to legislation and regulations affecting agency or organisation operations. |
3.1. |
Processes that lead to changes in property legislation and regulations are identified. |
3.2. |
Source documents for amendment legislation relevant to the provision of agency or organisation services are identified and accessed. |
3.3. |
Techniques for tracking amendments to property legislation and regulations are identified and applied. |
3.4. |
Implications of changes to legislative and regulatory requirements are identified and addressed in line with agency or organisation practice. |
3.5. |
Strategies for identifying amendments to legislation and regulations are implemented. |
3.6. |
Changes to legislative and regulatory requirements are communicated to appropriate people . |
4. |
Comply with relevant industry codes. |
4.1. |
Industry codes of conduct are sourced and accessed. |
4.2. |
Relationship between industry codes of conduct and legislative requirements are identified. |
4.3. |
Key principles and responsibilities of industry codes of conduct are interpreted and applied to own work. |
4.4. |
Commitment to complying with industry codes of conduct is demonstrated through own ethical behaviour. |
5. |
Maintain records of legislation and industry codes. |
5.1. |
Agency or organisation processes for maintaining records of changes to legislation and industry codes are identified. |
5.2. |
Records of changes to legislation and industry codes are maintained. |
Foundation Skills
This section describes the language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills essential to performance in this unit but not explicit in the performance criteria. |
Skill |
Performance feature |
Learning skills to: |
Oral communication skills to: |
Reading skills to: |
Writing skills to: |
Technology skills to: |
Range of Conditions
This section specifies work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) are included. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. |
Legal framework must include: |
Components of statute law must include: |
Structure of property legislation and regulations must include: |
Common interpretation problems must include: |
Rules and techniques for interpreting property legislation and regulations must include: |
Processes must include: |
Source documents must include: |
Techniques for tracking amendments must include: |
Appropriate people must include: |
Industry codes of conduct must address at least two of the following: |
Records must include at least two of the following: |
Unit Mapping Information
CPPDSM4009B Interpret legislation to complete agency work
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=6f3f9672-30e8-4835-b348-205dfcf13d9b