Unit of competency details
CPCSUS4001A - Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
19/May/2011 |
Training packages that include this unit
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Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 059999 | Agriculture, Environmental And Related Studies, N.e.c. | 25/Jun/2009 | |
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Modification History
Not Applicable
Unit Descriptor
Unit descriptor
This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to effectively analyse, implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices and their effectiveness on a work site, including contributing to consumer environmental efficiency.
Application of the Unit
Application of the unit
This unit of competency supports the needs of those with responsibility for a specific area or site of work, or those who lead a work group or team by using processes and techniques necessary to implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices, including the development of processes and tools.
The context of this competency applies to all sectors of the construction industry. It may be applied to all sections of an organisation, including a work site, designated work area, in transit and/or an office.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not Applicable
Employability Skills Information
Employability skills
This unit contains employability skills.
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.
Elements and Performance Criteria
1. Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage.
1.1. Environmental regulations applying to the organisation are identified.
1.2. Procedures for ensuring compliance with environmental regulations are assessed.
1.3. Information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures are collected, and where appropriate, provided to stakeholders , key personnel and specialists .
1.4. Current resource usage is measured and documented by members of the work group.
1.5. Current purchasing strategies are analysed and documented.
1.6. Current work processes and products are analysed to access information and data and to assist in identifying areas for improvement.
2. Set targets for improvement.
2.1. Input is sought from stakeholders, key personnel and specialists and shared with them as appropriate.
2.2. External sources of information and data are accessed as required.
2.3. Alternative solutions to work site environmental issues are evaluated.
2.4. Efficiency targets are set.
3. Implement performance improvement strategies.
3.1. Techniques and tools are sourced to assist in achieving targets.
3.2. Continuous improvement strategies are applied to work site, including ideas and possible solutions to communicate to stakeholders, key personnel and specialists.
3.3. Environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans for work site and clients are integrated with other operational activities and implemented.
3.4. Suggestions and ideas about environmental and resource efficiency management are sought from stakeholders, key personnel and specialists and shared with them to act on as appropriate.
3.5. Costing strategies are implemented to fully value environmental assets and are shared with stakeholders, key personnel and specialists as necessary.
4. Monitor performance.
4.1. Outcomes are documented and reports on targets are communicated to key personnel and stakeholders.
4.2. Strategies are evaluated.
4.3. New targets are set and new tools and strategies investigated and applied.
4.4. Successful strategies are promoted and, where possible, participants rewarded.
Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.
Required skills
Required skills for this unit are: - ability to source/identify the latest industry environmental sustainability concepts and technologies
- applying learning to future opportunities
- change management skills
- communication skills to:
- answer questions
- clarify and acknowledge suggestions relating to work requirements and environmental efficiency with stakeholders
- enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements, share information, listen and understand
- read and interpret:
- documentation
- environmental and resource efficiency requirements
- support information flow between various internal and external stakeholders to resolve and report on environmental and resource efficiency issues
- use and interpret non-verbal communication
- use language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences
- creating tools to measure and monitor improvements and report on outcomes to stakeholders
- innovation skills to identify improvements, apply knowledge about resource use to organisational activities and customer service, and develop resource efficiency tools
- numeracy skills to analyse data on company and stakeholder resource consumption and waste product volumes
- problem solving skills to recognise and analyse problems, including:
- devising approaches
- implementing and reflecting on environmental and water, energy or resource efficiency management policies and procedures relevant to work site to improve environmental sustainability
- share alternative approaches as required
- skills to relate to different genders and people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and with a range of physical and mental abilities
- technology skills, including the ability to:
- operate and shut down equipment
- where relevant, use software systems for recording and filing documentation for measurement and improvement of resource usage and consumption.
Required knowledge
Required knowledge for this unit is: - how tradespersons can contribute to environmental sustainability
- knowledge of compliance requirements for all relevant environmental and sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice including resource hazards and risks associated with work site:
- supervision
- job specifications
- strategies and procedures to maximise opportunities and minimise impacts relevant to stakeholders and personal area of responsibility
- relevant knowledge of environmental, resource and energy/water efficiency issues, systems and procedures specific to industry practice
- knowledge of best practice approaches and quality assurance systems relevant to area of responsibility and industry
- ability to identify and advise on water/energy efficiency opportunities for stakeholders and key personnel
- supply chain procedures
- OHS issues and requirements
- organisational structure and reporting channels and procedures
- terms and conditions of employment, including policies and procedures, such as:
- daily tasks
- equal opportunity
- work area responsibilities
- worker, supervisor and employer rights.
Evidence Guide
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.
Overview of assessment
This unit of competency could be assessed by analysing and monitoring effective sustainable work practices on a construction project work site.
This unit of competency can be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques fully replicate construction workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit
A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: - implement and monitor integrated environmental and resource efficiency management policies and procedures within a work site, including:
- access, collect, analyse and organise information from a number of sources to provide information, advice and tools or resources for improvement opportunities to stakeholders and key personnel
- identify possible areas for improved practices and resource efficiency for stakeholders
- communicate benefits of changing practices to work team and customers
- implement new approaches and improvement plans, including planning and organising activities for staff and stakeholders in relation to:
- measurement of current use
- devising strategies to improve environmental and resource efficiency issues
- reporting as required ensuring appropriate action is taken within work site in relation to environmental and sustainability compliance and potential hazards
- monitor and evaluate improvement plans and efficiency targets, using evaluation and monitoring tools and technology to potentially revise and adjust approaches and strategies to ensure continuous improvement.
Evidence that could be used, reflecting the requirements of the unit of competency and work being performed as evidence, include: - reports of activities of work group in relation to:
- measurement of resources and efficiency
- development of improvement strategies
- work plans outlining approaches to improved practices, with documented benchmarks
- invoices from stakeholders specifying materials recommended for improved efficiency and those actually used
- quotes and tenders
- lists of environmental hazards, risks and inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvements identified in the work site
- work samples, tools, techniques or simulated activities and the outcomes.
Processes may include: - relevant authenticated correspondence
- way in which advice is sought and suggestions made about improvements from stakeholders and key personnel
- evidence of implementation of programs, such as:
- green building program
- supply chain program for purchasing sustainable products
- environmental site management framework or product recommendations
- notes on understanding external benchmarks and support for particular benchmarks to be used, with expected outcomes and including approaches to recommend products and practices to stakeholders for improving their resource use.
Resource implications for assessment must include: - observation by the assessor over a period of time and in a range of situations and/or evidence provided to the assessor in written or verbal form, including:
- implementing tools and techniques
- review of work site and stakeholders/key personnel to assess and measure resource use, hazards and compliance
- application of learning to future activities
- recommended products and practices to stakeholders
- access to a range of information and resources for assessment as listed in the range statement, such as:
- environmental and sustainability legislation
- compliance documentation
- organisational and procedural requirements or organisation plans
- work supervision and work site documentation, including personnel and responsibilities
- quotes, tenders, invoices.
Context of and specific resources for assessment
This competency is to be assessed using standard and authorised work practices, safety requirements and environmental constraints.
Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.
Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian standards' requirements.
Resource implications for assessment include: - an induction procedure and requirement
- realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory task requirements
- relevant specifications and work instructions
- support materials appropriate to activity
- workplace instructions relating to safe work practices and addressing hazards and emergencies
- material safety data sheets
- research resources, including industry-related systems information.
Reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities must be made to assessment processes where required. This could include access to modified equipment and other physical resources, and the provision of appropriate assessment support.
Method of assessment
Assessment methods must: - satisfy the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of the Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package
- include direct observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions, with questioning to confirm the ability to consistently identify and correctly interpret the essential underpinning knowledge required for practical application
- reinforce the integration of employability skills with workplace tasks and job roles
- confirm that competency is verified and able to be transferred to other circumstances and environments.
Validity and sufficiency of evidence requires that: - competency will need to be demonstrated over a period of time reflecting the scope of the role and the practical requirements of the workplace
- where the assessment is part of a structured learning experience the evidence collected must relate to a number of performances assessed at different points in time and separated by further learning and practice, with a decision on competency only taken at the point when the assessor has complete confidence in the person's demonstrated ability and applied knowledge
- all assessment that is part of a structured learning experience must include a combination of direct, indirect and supplementary evidence.
Assessment processes and techniques should as far as is practical take into account the language, literacy and numeracy capacity of the candidate in relation to the competency being assessed.
Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.
Range Statement
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.
Compliance includes:
- meeting relevant Acts, laws, by-laws and regulations, codes of practice or best practice to support compliance in environmental performance and sustainability at each level as required (such as Environmental Protection, Biodiversity Conservation Act and Building Code of Australia)
- levels include:
- federal
- industry
- international
- local government
- organisation
- reporting breaches
- state and territory.
Environmental and resource efficiency includes:
- approaches of industry associations, such as:
- Australian Building Greenhouse Rating
- green plumbers
- green purchasing
- Housing Industry Association (HIA) GreenSmart
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
- lifecycle thinking
- Master Builders Association of Victoria Green Living, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), or Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) Green Star environmental rating system
- National Australian Building Environmental Rating Scheme (NABERS)
- product stewardship
- supply chain management
- Victoria Stormwater Management Guidelines of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
- implementing and using alternative practices, procedures or materials to reduce or eliminate resource consumption on work site
- recommendations to stakeholders, including:
- addressing environmental and resource sustainability initiatives, such as an environmental framework, action plan, recommendations, surveys and audits with stakeholders and key personnel
- efficient water use (e.g. rainwater tanks, grey water sprinkler systems or timers)
- energy use (e.g. equipment/appliances installed; equipment, appliance and tool maintenance; transporting materials; heating and cooling; and building efficiency)
- environmental site management
- evaluating and implementing most appropriate waste treatment, including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use, recoverable resources and wastewater treatment through site management
- improving resource, energy and water efficiency
- including environmental performance in tender and quote specifications
- initiating and maintaining appropriate work site procedures for operational energy consumption, including stationary and non-stationary (transport) energy
- preventing and minimising risks and maximising opportunities on work site and for stakeholders
- reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
- reducing material usage
- reducing stormwater pollution
- reducing use of non-renewable resources
- types of products and materials used
- reference to standards, guidelines, industry association standards, codes of practice and best practice approaches such as:
- federal government standards, including five-star rating for all new homes.
Stakeholders , key personnel and specialists (individuals and groups) both within and external to the organisation who have direct or indirect interest in the organisation's conduct, actions, products and services, include:
- clients
- employees at all levels of the organisation
- government
- investors
- key personnel within the organisation
- local community
- specialists outside the organisation who may have particular technical expertise
- suppliers
- other organisations.
Purchasing strategies include:
- influencing stakeholders to take up environmental sustainability approaches and products
- researching and participating in programs, such as a supply chain program to purchase sustainable products (such as radial timber, sustainable timber, and low flow fittings and appliances).
Techniques and tools include:
- accessing the skills of others as appropriate to the specific industry context
- environmental site management plans
- examination of invoices from suppliers
- examination of relevant information and data
- integration of environmental and sustainability specifications in quotes and tenders
- measurements made under different conditions
- recommendation of sustainable products and practices to stakeholders.
Suggestions include:
- eliminating the use of hazardous and toxic materials
- expressing green purchasing power through using and recommending a selection of suppliers with improved environmental performance (e.g. green power, lifecycle thinking, product stewardship, energy or water efficiency)
- ideas that help to improve energy and water efficiency
- making more efficient use of resources, materials, energy and water
- maximising opportunities to use renewable, recyclable, reusable and recoverable resources (energy, water, materials, products and waste)
- preventing and minimising risks and maximising opportunities, such as use of renewable energy such as solar or grey water, and other alternative forms of water, energy and resources
- recommending and using alternative sustainable products, materials, procedures, practices and installation techniques
- reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by reducing waste and transport
- reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources, such as water, fuel, and materials
- seeking alternative sources of water and energy or encouraging conservation.
Unit Sector(s)
Co-requisite units
Functional area