

Unit of competency details

CPCPWT3026 - Install and fit off sanitary fixtures, water services and adjust water service controls (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes CPCPSN3024A - Install and fit off sanitary fixturesSupersedes and is not equivalent to CPCPSN3024A Install and fit off sanitary fixtures, and CPCPWT3026A Fit off and commission heated and cold water services. 26/Nov/2020
Supersedes CPCPWT3026A - Fit off and commission heated and cold water servicesSupersedes and is not equivalent to CPCPWT3026A Fit off and commission heated and cold water services and CPCPSN3024A Install and fit off sanitary fixtures. 26/Nov/2020

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 27/Nov/2020


SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 040327 Plumbing  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 040327 Plumbing  09/Feb/2021 
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Unit of competency

Modification History

Release 1

This version first released with CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package Release 5.0.

Supersedes and is not equivalent to CPCPSN3024A Install and fit off sanitary fixtures, and CPCPWT3026A Fit off and commission heated and cold water services. Updated to meet the Standards for Training Packages 2012.


This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to fit off and commission heated, tempered and cold-water services to sanitary fixtures. It includes installing and fitting sanitary fixtures and adjusting water service controls and devices.

In some jurisdictions, this unit of competency may form part of accreditation, licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements.

Pre-requisite Unit

CPCPCM2043 Carry out WHS requirements

Unit Sector

Plumbing and Fire Services

Elements and Performance Criteria

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe what needs to be done to demonstrate achievement of the element.


Identify installation requirements.


Access, read and determine fixture and service installation requirements from plans, job specifications, codes, relevant Australian Standards, manufacturers’ instructions and jurisdictional requirements.


Identify and apply workplace, work health and safety (WHS) and environmental requirements.


Prepare for work.


Create a materials list and collect materials.


Select appropriate tools and equipment including personal protective equipment (PPE).


Install and connect fixtures.


Set out, position, assemble and install sanitary fixtures in accordance with plans, job specifications, codes, relevant Australian Standards, manufacturers’ instructions and jurisdictional requirements.


Position and install flushing device.


Flush service lines and connect to fixtures and devices.


Test water service, fixtures and devices for correct function.


Adjust controls and devices to operate with even and consistent flow.


Test installed pipework in accordance with codes, relevant Australian Standards and manufacturers’ instructions.


Maintain tapset and mixer tap in accordance with relevant Australian Standards, codes and manufacturers’ instructions.


Complete documentation according to relevant regulatory requirements.


Clean up.


Clear the work area and dispose of, reuse or recycle materials in accordance with state or territory legislation and workplace requirements.


Clean tools and equipment, check for serviceability and report any damage, and store and secure.

Foundation Skills

Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.

Unit Mapping Information

Supersedes and is not equivalent to CPCPSN3024A Install and fit off sanitary fixtures, and CPCPWT3026A Fit off and commission heated and cold water services.


Companion volumes to this training package are available at the VETNet website - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=7e15fa6a-68b8-4097-b099-030a5569b1ad


Assessment requirements

Modification History

Release 1

This version first released with CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package Release 5.0.

Supersedes and is not equivalent to CPCPSN3024A Install and fit off sanitary fixtures, and CPCPWT3026A Fit off and commission heated and cold water services. Updated to meet the Standards for Training Packages 2012.

Performance Evidence

To demonstrate competency, a candidate must meet the performance criteria for this unit by:

  • setting out, installing and fitting off sanitary fixtures and tapware from an approved point of connection to a:
  • water closet (WC)
  • shower
  • sink
  • bath
  • basin
  • dishwashing machine
  • wall hung urinal
  • non-drinking water hose tap
  • installing and adjusting a programmed flushing device for a cold-water service
  • adjusting and commissioning two different WC cisterns
  • reseating a brass tap and installing an approved jumper valve
  • removing and replacing a mixer tap cartridge with a replacement cartridge.

Knowledge Evidence

To be competent in this unit, a person must demonstrate knowledge of:

  • properties of water, including pressure and flow rates
  • approved materials, components, their characteristics and their application for installing sanitary fixtures, cold water systems and water service controls and devices
  • water service controls and mixing devices
  • working drawing conventions, symbols and abbreviations
  • how to access relevant information, including codes and standards
  • tools, materials and equipment used to fit off and commission heated, tempered and cold-water services to sanitary fixtures
  • work health and safety (WHS) requirements for fitting off and commissioning heated, tempered and cold-water services to sanitary fixtures.

Assessment Conditions

Assessors must meet the requirements for assessors contained in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

This unit must be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation using realistic workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities, procedures, safety requirements and environmental considerations.


Companion volumes to this training package are available at the VETNet website - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=7e15fa6a-68b8-4097-b099-030a5569b1ad