Unit of competency
Modification History
Release |
Comments |
Release 1 |
This version was released in CHC Community Services Training Package release 2.0 and meets the requirements of the 2012 Standards for Training Packages. New unit. |
This unit describes the skills knowledge required to work collaboratively with the care network and other potential services for a person with mental illness. This work provides a recovery oriented practice approach, involving a variety of health and community service professionals working collaboratively with the person and their care network.
This unit applies to work with people living with mental illness in a range of community services work contexts.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standard and industry codes of practice.
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements define the essential outcomes |
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1. Identify and build resilience and capacity in the person’s care network and community of choice |
1.1 Work collaboratively to identify the scope and membership of the person’s care network and their community of choice 1.2 Work with the person with mental illness to clarify the roles and importance of members of the care network and determine their potential to positively impact the life of the person 1.3 Work collaboratively with the person to identify the potential to expand or strengthen the care network, or increase their participation in their community of choice 1.4 Provide support, information or other actions to assist the person to uphold their rights, build resilience and capacity in their network, as required |
2. Develop and maintain effective working relationships with other services and programs |
2.1 Establish networks and local contacts to maximise availability of service options so a person’s needs can be holistically met 2.2 Gather and review information about local services to identify benefits and limitations of available service options and their possible contribution to the recovery process 2.3 Clarify scope of collaborative approaches and work within individual, team and multi-disciplinary work roles and structures 2.4 Establish, negotiate and document partnerships 2.5 Develop and maintain working relationships with local service providers, according to the person’s needs 2.6 Identify limits of own abilities, role or knowledge and after discussion with the person, make referrals to other services in accordance with organisation policies and available resources |
3. Review and monitor services provided by other organisations and programs |
3.1 Review effectiveness of referrals and services offered, in collaboration with person and other services 3.2 Identify gaps or additional services needed 3.3 Negotiate and advocate as required to ensure programs are meeting the person’s recovery goals 3.4 Work collaboratively to identify and address any difficulties the person is experiencing with other services and work with the person and service to achieve the desired outcome |
Foundation Skills
The Foundation Skills describe those required skills (language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills) that are essential to performance. |
Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency. |
Unit Mapping Information
No equivalent unit.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=5e0c25cc-3d9d-4b43-80d3-bd22cc4f1e53