

Qualification details

CHC41012 - Certificate IV in Community Services Advocacy (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to CHC41008 - Certificate IV in Community Services AdvocacyUpdated in V4 Updated core WHS unit. Equivalent vocational outcome. 06/May/2012
Is superseded by CHC42015 - Certificate IV in Community ServicesThis version was released in CHC Community Services Training Package release 2.0 and meets the requirements of the 2012 Standards for Training Packages. Merged CHC40708/CHC41012/CHC42512. Significant changes to core units. Change in packaging rules. 05/Aug/2015

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 07/May/2012

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
HLTWHS300A - Contribute to WHS processesContribute to WHS processesSupersededN/A
CHCPOL403C - Undertake research activitiesUndertake research activitiesDeletedN/A
HLTHIR404D - Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peopleWork effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peopleSupersededN/A
CHCORG405E - Maintain an effective work environmentMaintain an effective work environmentDeletedN/A
CHCLLN403A - Identify clients with language, literacy and numeracy needs and respond effectivelyIdentify clients with language, literacy and numeracy needs and respond effectivelySupersededN/A
CHCCS503B - Develop, implement and review services and programs to meet client needsDevelop, implement and review services and programs to meet client needsSupersededN/A
CHCNET402B - Establish and maintain effective networksEstablish and maintain effective networksSupersededN/A
CHCCS400C - Work within a relevant legal and ethical frameworkWork within a relevant legal and ethical frameworkSupersededN/A
CHCAD401D - Advocate for clientsAdvocate for clientsSupersededN/A
CHCMH402B - Apply understanding of mental health issues and recovery processesApply understanding of mental health issues and recovery processesDeletedN/A
CHCNET404B - Facilitate links with other servicesFacilitate links with other servicesDeletedN/A
CHCCHILD401B - Identify and respond to children and young people at riskIdentify and respond to children and young people at riskSupersededN/A
CHCCD412B - Work within a community development frameworkWork within a community development frameworkSupersededN/A
CHCCH301C - Work effectively in social housingWork effectively in social housingSupersededN/A
BSBINM201A - Process and maintain workplace informationProcess and maintain workplace informationSupersededN/A
CHCMH411A - Work with people with mental health issuesWork with people with mental health issuesSupersededN/A
CHCSW401A - Work effectively with forced migrantsWork effectively with forced migrantsSupersededN/A
CHCCHILD404B - Support the rights and safety of children and young peopleSupport the rights and safety of children and young peopleSupersededN/A
CHCCOM403A - Use targeted communication skills to build relationshipsUse targeted communication skills to build relationshipsSupersededN/A
CHCSW402B - Undertake bicultural work with forced migrants in AustraliaUndertake bicultural work with forced migrants in AustraliaSupersededN/A
CHCCD404E - Develop and implement community programsDevelop and implement community programsSupersededN/A
CHCICS409A - Recognise and respond to suspected abuse of vulnerable peopleRecognise and respond to suspected abuse of vulnerable peopleSupersededN/A
HLTHIR403C - Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workersWork effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workersSupersededN/A
CHCDIS301C - Work effectively with people with a disabilityWork effectively with people with a disabilitySupersededN/A
CHCAD504B - Provide advocacy and representation servicesProvide advocacy and representation servicesSupersededN/A
CHCCH427B - Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessnessWork effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessnessSupersededN/A
CHCAOD402B - Work effectively in the alcohol and other drugs sectorWork effectively in the alcohol and other drugs sectorSupersededN/A
CHCPOL404A - Undertake policy reviewUndertake policy reviewDeletedN/A
CHCCS407C - Operate referral proceduresOperate referral proceduresDeletedN/A
CHCCS411C - Work effectively in the community sectorWork effectively in the community sectorSupersededN/A
CHCAC318B - Work effectively with older peopleWork effectively with older peopleSupersededN/A
CHCCD505E - Develop community resourcesDevelop community resourcesSupersededN/A
CHCCD402B - Develop and provide community education projectsDevelop and provide community education projectsSupersededN/A
CHCDIS411A - Communicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategiesCommunicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategiesSupersededN/A
CHCINF407D - Meet information needs of the communityMeet information needs of the communitySupersededN/A
CHCAD603B - Provide systems advocacy servicesProvide systems advocacy servicesSupersededN/A
CHCCH428B - Work effectively within the Australian housing systemWork effectively within the Australian housing systemDeletedN/A
CHCMH301C - Work effectively in mental healthWork effectively in mental healthSupersededN/A
CHCLEG411A - Use relevant legislation in response to client needsUse relevant legislation in response to client needsSupersededN/A
CHCCS422B - Respond holistically to client issues and refer appropriatelyRespond holistically to client issues and refer appropriatelyDeletedN/A
CHCCH522B - Undertake outreach workUndertake outreach workSupersededN/A
CHCPROT429A - Work collaboratively to maintain a child safe environmentWork collaboratively to maintain a child safe environmentSupersededN/A
CHCAD505A - Represent clients in courtRepresent clients in courtSupersededN/A
CHCORG506E - Coordinate the work environmentCoordinate the work environmentSupersededN/A
CHCPOL402C - Contribute to policy developmentContribute to policy developmentSupersededN/A
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 45 of 45


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 411711 Community Worker 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 2512-13 Community Worker 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0905 Human Welfare Studies And Services 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 511 Certificate IV 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Advice and Counselling 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Court Support Worker,Tenant Advice and Advocacy Worker,Welfare Rights Worker,Community Education Worker,Phone Advice Worker,Community Legal Officers 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 411711 Community Worker 02/Oct/2012 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 2512-13 Community Worker 02/Oct/2012 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0905 Human Welfare Studies And Services 02/Oct/2012 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 511 Certificate IV 07/May/2012 
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Modification History

CHC08 Version 3

CHC08 Version 4


CHC41008 Certificate IV in Community Services Advocacy

CHC41012 Certificate IV in Community Services Advocacy

Updated core WHS units


This qualification covers workers who provide information, advice and advocacy and would also be appropriate for community education and policy workers.

Occupational titles  may include:

  • Community education worker
  • Phone advice worker
  • Community legal officer
  • Tenant advice and advocacy service coordinator
  • Court support worker
  • Tenant advice and advocacy worker
  • Information worker
  • Welfare rights worker
  • Para-legal worker
  • Worker in peak organisation

Pathways Information

Not Applicable

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not Applicable

Entry Requirements

Not Applicable

Employability Skills Summary

Refer to the Topic: Introduction to the Employability Skills Qualification Summaries

Packaging Rules


15 units are required for award of this qualification including:

  • 9 core units
  • 6 elective units

A wide range of elective units is available, including:

  • Relevant electives listed below
  • Units of competency to address workplace requirements and packaged at the level of this qualification or higher in Community Services and/or Health Training Packages
  • Where appropriate, to address workplace requirements, up to 3 units of competency packaged at the level of this qualification or higher in other relevant Training Packages or accredited courses where the details of those courses are available on the TGA or other public listing

Core units

BSBINM201A Process and maintain workplace information

CHCAD401D Advocate for clients

CHCCD412B Work within a community development framework

CHCCOM403A Use targeted communication skills to build relationships

CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework

CHCNET402B Establish and maintain effective networks

HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

HLTWHS300A Contribute to WHS processes

The importance of culturally aware and respectful practice

All workers undertaking community services advocacy work need foundation knowledge to inform their work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and co-workers and with clients and co-workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This foundation must be provided and assessed as part of a holistic approach to delivery and assessment of this qualification. Specific guidelines for assessment of this aspect of competency are provided in the Assessment Guidelines for the Community Services Training Package.

Relevant electives

Electives are to be selected in line with specified Packaging Rules. The following list of electives is provided to facilitate selection. Employers may specify that certain electives are required to address specific workplace needs.

CHCAC318B Work effectively with older people

CHCAD504B Provide advocacy and representation services

CHCAD603B Provide systems advocacy services

CHCAOD402B Work effectively in the alcohol and other drugs sector

CHCCD402B Develop and provide community education projects

CHCCD404E Develop and implement community programs

CHCCD505E Develop community resources

CHCCH301C Work effectively in social housing

CHCCH427B Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

CHCCH522B Undertake outreach work

CHCCHILD404B Support the rights and safety of children and young people

CHCCS411C Work effectively in the community sector

CHCCS422B Respond holistically to client issues and refer appropriately

CHCCS503B Develop, implement and review services and programs to meet client needs

CHCDIS301C Work effectively with people with a disability

CHCINF407D Meet information needs of the community

CHCLEG411A Use relevant legislation in response to client needs

CHCLLN403A Identify clients with language, literacy and numeracy needs and respond effectively

CHCNET404B Facilitate links with other services

CHCORG405E Maintain an effective work environment

CHCORG506E Coordinate the work environment

CHCPOL402C Contribute to policy development

CHCPOL403C Undertake research activities

CHCPOL404A Undertake policy review

The following grouping of relevant electives is provided to facilitate selection and does not necessarily reflect workplace requirements. Electives may be selected from one or more groups.

Tenant advice and advocacy electives 

CHCAD505A Represent clients in court (Note pre-requisite:CHCLEG411A)

CHCCD402B Develop and provide community education projects

CHCCD505E Develop community resources

CHCCH428B Work effectively within the Australian housing system

CHCCS407C Operate referral procedures

CHCINF407D Meet information needs of the community

CHCLEG411A Use relevant legislation in response to client needs

CHCPOL404A Undertake policy review

Social housing  

CHCCH301C Work effectively in social housing

CHCCH427B Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Working with people with alcohol and other drug issues 

CHCAOD402B Work effectively in the alcohol and other drugs sector

Working with people with mental health issues 

CHCMH301C Work effectively in mental health

CHCMH402B Apply understanding of mental health issues and recovery processes

CHCMH411A Work with people with mental health issues

Working with people with a disability 

CHCDIS301C Work effectively with people with a disability

CHCDIS411A Communicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategies

CHCICS409A Recognise and respond to suspected abuse of vulnerable people

Child protection electives 

CHCCHILD401B Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

CHCPROT429A Work collaboratively to maintain a child safe environment

Settlement work 

CHCSW401A Work effectively with forced migrants

CHCSW402B Undertake bicultural work with forced migrants in Australia