

Qualification details

CHC30712 - Certificate III in Children's Services (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareThis version was released in CHC Community Services Training Package release 1.0 and meets the requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. 30/Jun/2013
Supersedes and is equivalent to CHC30708 - Certificate III in Children's ServicesUpdated in V4 Updated core unit HLTFA311A. Occupational title of ‘child care worker’ to ‘childhood educator’ and ‘early childhood educator’. Updated core WHS unit. Equivalent vocational outcome. 06/May/2012

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 07/May/2012

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
CHCCHILD301B - Support behaviour of children and young peopleSupport behaviour of children and young peopleSupersededN/A
HLTWHS300A - Contribute to WHS processesContribute to WHS processesSupersededN/A
SRCCRO008B - Interact positively with infants, toddlers and parents in a recreation environmentInteract positively with infants, toddlers and parents in a recreation environmentDeletedN/A
BSBWOR204A - Use business technologyUse business technologySupersededN/A
HLTHIR404D - Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peopleWork effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peopleSupersededN/A
CHCCS400C - Work within a relevant legal and ethical frameworkWork within a relevant legal and ethical frameworkSupersededN/A
CHCAD401D - Advocate for clientsAdvocate for clientsSupersededN/A
SISXRSK301A - Undertake risk analysis of activitiesUndertake risk analysis of activitiesDeletedN/A
CHCCHILD401B - Identify and respond to children and young people at riskIdentify and respond to children and young people at riskSupersededN/A
HLTNA303D - Plan and modify meals and menus according to nutrition care plansPlan and modify meals and menus according to nutrition care plansSupersededN/A
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SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 421111 Child Care Worker 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 6312-11 Child Care Worker 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0905 Human Welfare Studies And Services 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Children's Services 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Family Day Care Worker,Nanny,Outside School Hours Care Assistant,Child Care Assistant,Recreation Assistant (Children’s Services) 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 421111 Child Care Worker 02/Oct/2012 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 6312-11 Child Care Worker 02/Oct/2012 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0905 Human Welfare Studies And Services 02/Oct/2012 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 07/May/2012 
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Modification History

CHC08 Version 3.0

CHC08 Version 4.0


CHC30708 Certificate III in Children's Services

CHC30712 Certificate III in Children's Services

Updated first aid core unit in V4

ISC upgrades of unit codes

Occupational title of ‘child care worker’ to ‘childhood educator’ and ‘early childhood educator’

Qualification outcome equivalent


This qualification covers workers who use organisation policies, procedures and individual children's profiles to plan activities and provide care to children, facilitating their leisure and play and enabling them to achieve their developmental outcomes. Depending on the setting, workers may work under direct supervision or autonomously.

Occupational titles  may include:

  • Early childhood educator
  • * Outside school hours care assistant
  • Playgroup supervisor
  • * Recreation assistant
  • Family day care worker
  • Nanny
  • Childhood Educator
  • Mobile assistant
  • Childhood educator assistant

* Some jurisdictions may require CHC41208 Certificate IV in Children's Services (Outside school hours care) for these work roles

Pathways Information

Not Applicable

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not Applicable

Entry Requirements

Not Applicable

Employability Skills Summary

Refer to the Topic: Introduction to the Employability Skills Qualification Summaries

Packaging Rules


15 units are required for award of this qualification including:

  • 11 core units
  • 4 elective units

A wide range of elective units is available, including:

  • Group A elective which is recommended for all work roles except those where services specifically exclude caring for babies
  • Group B electives which are recommended for culturally aware and respectful practice
  • Group C electives which are recommended for centre-based care
  • Group D electives which are recommended for playgroup supervision
  • Group E electives which are recommended for family day care work
  • Group F electives which are recommended for nanny work
  • Other relevant electives listed below
  • Units of competency to address workplace requirements and packaged at the level of this qualification or higher in Community Services and/or Health Training Packages
  • Where appropriate, to address workplace requirements, units of competency packaged at the level of this qualification or higher in other relevant Training Packages

Core units 

CHCCHILD401B Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

CHCCN301C Ensure the health and safety of children

CHCCN302A Provide care for children

CHCCN303A Contribute to provision of nutritionally balanced food in a safe and hygienic manner

CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework

CHCFC301A Support the development of children

CHCIC301E Interact effectively with children

CHCPR301C Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning

CHCPR303D Develop understanding of children’s interests and developmental needs

HLTFA311A Apply first aid

HLTWHS300A Contribute to WHS processes

Relevant electives 

Group A elective  - recommended for working with babies 

The following elective unit is recommended for inclusion as a core unit in this qualification to address all work roles except those where services specifically exclude caring for babies:

CHCCN305B Provide care for babies (This unit may be mandatory in some jurisdictions and is pre-requisite for the Diploma of Childrens Services)

The importance of culturally aware and respectful practice 

All workers undertaking children's services work need foundation knowledge to inform their work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and co-workers and with clients and co-workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This foundation must be provided and assessed as part of a holistic approach to delivery and assessment of this qualification. Specific guidelines for assessment of this aspect of competency are provided in the Assessment Guidelines for the Community Services Training Package.

Group B electives  - recommended for culturally aware and respectful practice 

The children's services workplace is regarded as having particular potential for engendering stronger and more respectful relationships between non-Aboriginal Australians and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians.

It is therefore highly recommended that the following unit of competency should be included in this qualification to address the needs of every children's services workplace :

CHCIC302A Support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families to participate in children's services

The unit:

  • Provides a basis for staff to support and promote respect for and awareness of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities where there are no Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children attending or residing in the local area
  • Addresses the needs of staff who work specifically with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children and families.

Where work involves a specific focus on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and/or culturally diverse clients or communities, one or both of the following electives is recommended:

HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

CHC30412 Certificate III in Children's Services enables selection of specific electives recommended for centre-based care, playgroup supervision, family day care and nanny work.

Group C electives  - recommended for centre-based care 

The following units of competency are recommended for centre-based care at Certificate III level:

CHCCHILD301B Support behaviour of children and young people

CHCCN305B Provide care for babies (if not already included)

CHCCS312A Use electronic learning materials

CHCORG303C Participate effectively in the work environment

CHCRF301E Work effectively with families to care for the child

AND ONE of the following units:

CHC IC302A Support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families to participate in children's services


HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers


CHCCS310A Support inclusive practice in the workplace

Group D electives  - recommended for playgroup supervision 

The following units of competency are recommended for playgroup supervision:

SRCCRO008B Interact positively with infants, toddlers and parents in a recreation environment (Appropriate unit for an assistant working with a mobile resources unit)

SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities

Group E electives  - recommended for family day care work 

The following units of competency are recommended for family day care work:

CHCAL307A Comply with family day care administration requirements

CHCCHILD301B Support behaviour of children and young people

CHCCS310A Support inclusive practice in the workplace

CHCIC302A Support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families to participate in children's services

CHCRF301E Work effectively with families to care for the child

Group F electives  - recommended for nanny work 

The following units of competency are recommended for nanny work:

CHCCHILD301B Support behaviour of children and young people

CHCNAN301B Attend to daily functions in home based child care

CHCRF301E Work effectively with families to care for the child

AND one (or both) of the following units:

CHCFC502A Foster physical development in early childhood


CHCFC512A Foster physical development in middle childhood

Other relevant electives 

Additional electives are to be selected in line with specified Packaging Rules. Employers may specify that certain electives are required to address specific workplace needs.

BSBFLM312C Contribute to team effectiveness

BSBWOR204A Use business technology

BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness

CHCAD401D Advocate for clients

CHCADMIN403D Undertake administrative work

CHCCD420B Work to empower Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities

CHCCHILD301B Support behaviour of children and young people

CHCCS310A Support inclusive practice in the workplace

CHCCS312A Use electronic learning materials

CHCCS421B Undertake community sector work within own community

CHCDFV301A Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence

CHCFAM503B Work with a child focused approach

CHCIC303B Work within a regulatory framework specific to children’s services

CHCLD315A Recognise stages of lifespan development

CHCMH301C Work effectively in mental health


CHCMH411A Work with people with mental health issues

CHCORG303C Participate effectively in the work environment

CHCORG428A Reflect on and improve own professional practice

CHCPR302A Support sustainable practice

CHCPR502E Organise experiences to facilitate and enhance children’s development

HLTFA302C Provide first aid in remote situation (Note pre-requisite: HLTFA311A)

HLTFA412A Apply advanced first aid (Note pre-requisite: HLTFA311A)

HLTFS207C Follow basic food safety practices

HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

HLTNA303D Plan and modify meals and menus according to nutrition care plans

HLTNA304D Plan meals and menus to meet cultural and religious needs

SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities

Oral health 

CHCOHC303B Use basic oral health screening tools

CHCOHC404A Recognise and respond to signs and symptoms that may indicate oral health issues