Unit of competency details
BSBTWK201 - Work effectively with others (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
19/Oct/2020 |
Companion volumes:
Unit of competency
Assessment requirements
Training packages that include this unit
Qualifications that include this unit
Skill sets that include this unit
Accredited courses that have this unit in the completion mapping
Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 120505 | Work Practices Programmes | 19/Oct/2020 | |
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Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1
This version first released with BSB Business Services Training Package Version 7.0.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work cooperatively with others and deal effectively with issues, problems and conflict.
The unit applies to individuals who perform a range of routine tasks in a team environment and use a basic knowledge of teamwork in a defined context, under direct supervision or with limited individual responsibility.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Unit Sector
Social Competence – Teamwork and Relationships
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Develop effective workplace relationships
1.1 Identify individual responsibilities in relation to workgroup members
1.2 Clarify individual and workgroup responsibilities with work team
1.3 Participate in informal meetings and information sharing with workgroup
1.4 Request and apply feedback from supervisor on individual practices
2. Improve workgroup processes
2.1 Support team members to meet workgroup goals
2.2 Contribute to workgroup goals and tasks according to organisational requirements
2.3 Share work-related information with workgroup according to organisational policies and procedures
2.4 Plan strategies for team performance improvement with workgroup
3. Resolve issues, problems and conflict
3.1 Identify advantages of differences in values and beliefs between workgroup members
3.2 Respond to any linguistic and cultural differences in communication styles according to legislation, organisational policies and procedures and ethical standards
3.3 Identify potential workgroup issues, problems and conflicts encountered in the workplace
3.4 Seek assistance from supervisor to address problems and conflicts that arise
3.5 Suggest possible ways of dealing with identified workplace issues
Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required for competent performance.
- Identifies and interprets information to determine task requirements
- Completes required documentation using organisational formats
- Composes simple documents for others to read
Oral Communication
- Presents information and seeks advice using language and features appropriate to audience
- Participates in discussions using listening and questioning to elicit views of others and to clarify or confirm understanding
Initiative and enterprise
- Identifies responsibilities of own role and follows explicit and implicit organisational protocols and procedures
- Selects and uses appropriate communication practices when seeking or sharing information
- Establishes and builds rapport and relationships with others to foster a culture of respect and cooperation in communications
- Listens to the ideas of others and considers their needs
Planning and organising
- Plans and organises work commitments to ensure deadlines and objectives are met
Unit Mapping Information
Supersedes and is equivalent to BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others.
Supersedes and is not equivalent to BSBFLM312 Contribute to team effectiveness.
Companion Volume Implementation Guide is found on VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=11ef6853-ceed-4ba7-9d87-4da407e23c10
Assessment requirements
Modification History
Release 1
This version first released with BSB Business Services Training Package Version 7.0.
Performance Evidence
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:
- work with a group to achieve an objective on at least two occasions and address at least one identified problem or conflict on each occasion.
In the course of the above, the candidate must:
- distinguish individual responsibilities from workgroup responsibilities
- demonstrate the ability to:
- support team members
- communicate according to the cultural and linguistic requirements of the individual
- act on constructive feedback
- use communication channels to share information
- cooperate and contribute to team goals
- identify improvement opportunities
- identify problems and conflicts and address them according to organisational and ethical policies and procedures.
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
- organisational and ethical standards, policies and procedures that relate to own work role
- team responsibilities and duties and their relationship to individual responsibilities and duties
- organisational policies and procedures relating to workplace discrimination and bullying
- personal values and beliefs including their importance in the development of relationships
- communication channels used to communicate in work teams including:
- team meetings
- one-on-one interactions with individual team members
- emails
- instant messaging
- calls
- key problems and conflicts arising in workgroup contexts
- methods of resolving team problems including referral to relevant organisational personnel
- conflict resolution techniques.
Assessment Conditions
Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.
This includes access to:
- workplace discrimination and bullying legislation
- organisational and ethical standards, policies and procedures for working with others.
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
Companion Volume Implementation Guide is found on VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=11ef6853-ceed-4ba7-9d87-4da407e23c10