Unit of competency details
BSBOPS602 - Monitor corporate governance activities (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
19/Oct/2020 |
Companion volumes:
Unit of competency
Assessment requirements
Training packages that include this unit
Qualifications that include this unit
Skill sets that include this unit
Accredited courses that have this unit in the completion mapping
Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 080301 | Business Management | 17/Dec/2020 | |
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Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1
This version first released with BSB Business Services Training Package Version 7.0.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement procedures to ensure the organisation meets its corporate governance obligations. It covers researching corporate governance trends, standards and practices, and establishing processes to promote compliance. It also includes reviewing compliance and taking corrective action on non-compliance.
The unit applies to those who are responsible for monitoring and managing compliance to corporate governance requirements.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Unit Sector
Business Competence – Business Operations
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Plan corporate governance activities
1.1 Identify corporate governance requirements, standards and practices according to organisational requirements
1.2 Develop processes for monitoring performance of organisation’s corporate governance activities
1.3 Research governance audit reports and practices and identify methodologies and recommendations for implementation
2. Monitor performance of corporate governance activities
2.1 Analyse the organisation’s governance reports, returns and review processes
2.3 Develop and update management processes for corporate governance
2.3 Establish reporting plans and confirm organisation meets compliance and reporting deadlines
3. Review corporate governance activities
3.1 Evaluate organisational adherence to requirements, standards and practices
3.2 Monitor compliance performance indicators
3.3 Identify non-compliances and causes, and implement corrective actions, where required
Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required for competent performance.
- Sources and researches textual information in the context of organisational strategy and compliance requirements to support plans, monitoring and reporting
- Develops complex texts using specialised and detailed language to convey information, requirements and recommendations according to legal and organisational requirements
Enterprise and initiative
- Leads in the development of organisational policies, procedures to support adherence to legal and statutory requirements
Planning and organising
- Takes responsibility for developing and implementing systems and processes to achieve organisational objectives, seeking advice and feedback as required
- Monitors and evaluates performance against agreed benchmarks to ensure compliance with governance, statutory and legal requirements
- Acknowledges own role in terms of its contribution to broader goals of the organisation
Unit Mapping Information
No equivalent unit. Supersedes but is not equivalent to:
- BSBGOV506 Manage advocacy for your organisation
- BSBGOV507 Manage board or committee and organisational conflict
- BSBMGT623 Monitor corporate governance activities.
Companion Volume Implementation Guide is found on VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=11ef6853-ceed-4ba7-9d87-4da407e23c10
Assessment requirements
Modification History
Release 1
This version first released with BSB Business Services Training Package Version 7.0.
Performance Evidence
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:
- develop, implement, monitor and review corporate governance on at least one occasion.
In the course of the above, the candidate must:
- access and interpret legislation and regulations to identify corporate governance compliance requirements
- research and analyse information to identify trends in corporate governance practices and reporting
- establish and implement processes for corporate governance adherence, including determining corporate governance indicators and establishing a reporting plan
- meet statutory reporting requirements
- monitor compliance and analyse the causes of non-compliances including analysing governance reports, returns, review processes and the information technology system
- identify and implement corrective actions.
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
- legislation, regulations and statutory requirements and standards that relate to corporate governance obligations for the organisation, including:
- finances and taxation
- industrial relations, equal opportunity, employment records and superannuation
- intellectual property
- corporate entities
- competition, ethical practice and consumer rights
- work health and safety
- information technology systems and data recording
- emerging trends and interpretations of statutory and other regulatory requirements
- principles of internal control, including statutory requirements
- statutory reporting requirements
- principles of valuation and apply common methods of depreciation.
Assessment Conditions
Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.
This includes access to:
- legislation, regulations, standards and codes relevant to corporate governance
- workplace documentation and resources relevant to performance evidence, including governance reports and returns.
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
Companion Volume Implementation Guide is found on VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=11ef6853-ceed-4ba7-9d87-4da407e23c10