Modification History
Release 1. This is the first release of this unit.
This unit replaces and is equivalent to AVIZ3051A Manage situation awareness in remote pilot aircraft systems (RPAS) operations.
Unit Descriptor
This unit involves the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to apply situational awareness in remote pilot aircraft systems (RPAS) operations, including maintaining and managing RPA's situation both alone and in conjunction with others when appropriate, assessing situations and making appropriate decisions, setting priorities and managing tasks, and maintaining all necessary communications.
Application of the Unit
Work must be carried out in compliance with the relevant licence and RPAS rating requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA); relevant airspace control requirements; Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC); regulations, safety codes, protocols and procedures relevant when managing situation awareness in RPAS flight.
Use for Defence Aviation is to be in accordance with relevant Defence Orders and Instructions
Operations are conducted across a variety of operational contexts within the Australian Aviation Industry.
Work is performed under limited supervision.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Refer to Application of the Unit.
Employability Skills Information
This unit contains employability skills.
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. |
Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. |
Elements and Performance Criteria
1 |
Maintain situational awareness |
1.1 |
Continuous monitoring of all critical factors relevant to the safe progress of a flight is demonstrated |
1.2 |
Situational awareness is demonstrated through application of an effective visual scan, crew interaction, use of radio and inter-crew communication, use of traffic information and use of RPA systems where applicable |
1.3 |
Trends towards an unsafe situation are recognised and appropriate corrective action is employed in accordance with workplace procedures and regulatory requirements |
1.4 |
Breakdown in situational awareness is identified and is rectified promptly |
2 |
Assess situations and make decisions |
2.1 |
Operational problems are identified and analysed |
2.2 |
Operational risks are assessed and reported according to workplace procedures and regulatory requirements |
2.3 |
Potential solutions are identified and control measures are decided upon and implemented |
2.4 |
Determined plan of action is communicated and tasks are allocated to others as appropriate |
2.5 |
Plan of action is implemented and monitored to achieve optimum outcomes |
2.6 |
Plan of action and implementation process is re-evaluated and amended as needed to achieve optimum outcomes |
2.7 |
Extended operational changes resulting from action plan and related risks are monitored and managed to ensure a safe outcome of flight |
3 |
Set priorities and manage tasks |
3.1 |
Priorities and workload are organised to ensure completion of all tasks relevant to the safety of the flight |
3.2 |
Safe and effective operation of the RPA is prioritised ahead of competing tasks |
3.3 |
Critical events and tasks are anticipated and managed to ensure completion within available time constraints |
3.4 |
Technology is used to reduce workload and improve ability to perform mental and manipulative activities safely |
3.5 |
Fixation on single actions/functions is avoided |
3.6 |
Signs and symptoms of fatigue are identified and appropriate actions are taken to manage fatigue of self or others |
4 |
Work with others in the management of situational awareness |
4.1 |
Collaboration with others is demonstrated in order to ensure the safe completion of a flight |
4.2 |
Effective and efficient communications and interpersonal relationships are established and maintained with all stakeholders to ensure the safe outcome of the flight |
4.3 |
Crew members are encouraged to participate in and contribute to the safe outcome of a flight |
4.4 |
Appropriate action is taken in conjunction with others to cooperatively correct any identified unsafe situations which may develop during an RPA flight |
Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the knowledge and skills required for this unit. |
Required knowledge: |
Required skills: |
Evidence Guide
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required knowledge and skills, the range statement and the assessment guidelines for this Training Package. |
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit |
The evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills, Required Knowledge and include:
Context of and specific resources for assessment |
Performance is demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts. Resources for assessment include access to:
In both real and simulated environments, access is required to:
Method of assessment |
Practical assessment must occur in a:
A range of assessment methods should be used to assess practical skills and knowledge. The following examples are appropriate to this unit:
Range Statement
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. |
Tasks may be undertaken in: |
Performance may be demonstrated in: |
Aircraft may include: |
Crew may include: |
Instruments may be: |
Limitations may be imposed by: |
Classes of airspace may be: |
Factors that may adversely affect the safe outcome of a flight or manoeuvre may include: |
Dependent on the type of organisation concerned and the local terminology used, workplace procedures may include: |
Information/documents may include: |
Applicable regulations and legislation may include: |
Performance includes tolerances specified in either of: |
Unit Sector(s)
Not applicable.
Custom Content Section
Z - Situation Awareness