Modification History
Not Applicable
Unit Descriptor
Unit descriptor |
This unit covers the process of determining the basic properties of soil or soil-less growing media and defines the standard required to: undertake basic soil/media analysis descriptive tests for soil texture, salinity and pH; use basic proprietary soil testing equipment for testing pH and salinity; determine basic soil structure with a view to using soil structure ameliorants. |
Application of the Unit
Application of the unit |
This unit applies to determining basic properties of soil/growing media and is usually conducted within established routines, methods and procedures. |
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not Applicable
Prerequisite units |
Employability Skills Information
Employability skills |
This unit contains employability skills. |
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Not Applicable
Elements and Performance Criteria
1. Collect soil/media samples for testing |
1.1. Tools and materials for collecting soil/media samples are prepared. 1.2. Area from which soil/media samples are to be collected is identified from workplace records or supervisors instructions. 1.3. Services are located using site plans and in consultation with the supervisor. 1.4. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazards are identified, risks assessed and controls implemented and reported to the supervisor. 1.5. Suitable safety equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are selected, used and maintained. 1.6. Samples are taken randomly from the designated area according to recognised sampling techniques and are prepared for on site or off site analysis 1.7. Samples are labelled and recorded according to organisational procedures. |
2. Perform basic soil/media test |
2.1. Soil profile is determined, where appropriate. 2.2. Soils/media are tested or inspected for physical properties. 2.3. Soils/media is tested for chemical properties. 2.4. Results are recorded according to organisational procedures. |
Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit. |
Required skills |
Required knowledge |
Evidence Guide
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package. |
Overview of assessment |
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit |
The evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit must be relevant to workplace operations and satisfy holistically all of the requirements of the performance criteria and required skills and knowledge and include achievement of the following:
Context of and specific resources for assessment |
Competency requires the application of work practices under work conditions. Selection and use of resources for some worksites may differ due to the regional or enterprise circumstances. |
Range Statement
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. |
Soils may include: |
Unit Sector(s)
Unit sector |
Soils and media |
Co-requisite units
Co-requisite units |
Competency field
Competency field |