

Unit of competency details

AHCIRG306A - Troubleshoot irrigation systems (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by and equivalent to AHCIRG306 - Troubleshoot irrigation systemsThis unit is equivalent to AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems. 26/Jun/2016
Supersedes RTE3605A - Troubleshoot irrigation systems09/Jun/2011

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 10/Jun/2011

Training packages that include this unit

CodeSort Table listing Training packages that include this unit by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Training packages that include this unit by the Title columnRelease
FPI11 - Forest and Forest Products Training PackageForest and Forest Products Training Package 1.0-2.3 
SIT12 - Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training PackageTourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package 1.0-2.0 
CPC08 - Construction, Plumbing and Services Training PackageConstruction, Plumbing and Services Training Package 8.0-9.2 
FWP - Forest and Wood Products Training PackageForest and Wood Products Training Package 2.0 
AHC10 - Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land ManagementAgriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management 2.0-8.0 
SIT - Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training PackageTourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package 1.0-1.3 
RGR08 - Racing Training PackageRacing Training Package 1.1-2.0 

Qualifications that include this unit

CodeSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Title columnUsage RecommendationRelease
CPC32413 - Certificate III in PlumbingCertificate III in PlumbingSuperseded
AHC30110 - Certificate III in AgricultureCertificate III in AgricultureSuperseded1-8 
AHC31110 - Certificate III in Production NurseryCertificate III in Production NurserySuperseded1-2 
AHC32410 - Certificate III in IrrigationCertificate III in IrrigationSuperseded
CPC32513 - Certificate III in Plumbing (Mechanical Services)Certificate III in Plumbing (Mechanical Services)Deleted
AHC32412 - Certificate III in IrrigationCertificate III in IrrigationSuperseded
CPC32412 - Certificate III in PlumbingCertificate III in PlumbingSuperseded
SIT30416 - Certificate III in Holiday Parks and ResortsCertificate III in Holiday Parks and ResortsDeleted1-2 
AHC30710 - Certificate III in HorticultureCertificate III in HorticultureSuperseded1-3 
SIT31212 - Certificate III in Holiday Parks and ResortsCertificate III in Holiday Parks and ResortsSuperseded1-3 
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 18


SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 030907 Water And Sanitary Engineering  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 030907 Water And Sanitary Engineering  04/Nov/2011 
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Modification History

Not Applicable

Unit Descriptor

Unit descriptor 

This unit covers the process of troubleshooting faults and blockages in irrigation systems and defines the standard required to: read and apply system specifications, technical manuals and supply/spare parts inventories; locate and identify faulty components and blockages; apply shutdown sequence and isolation procedures; remove faulty components from the system and install replacements; clear blockages or replace blocked sections; and return isolated or shutdown components to service.

Application of the Unit

Application of the unit 

This unit applies to workers on irrigation farms or to irrigation contractors. The work is likely to be carried out under routine supervision within enterprise guidelines.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not Applicable


Prerequisite units 

Employability Skills Information

Employability skills 

This unit contains employability skills.

Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content

Not Applicable

Elements and Performance Criteria



1. Locate and identify faulty components and blockages

1.1. Irrigation system and component function is determined by reference to system specifications and technical manuals.

1.2. Monitoring and maintenance records are checked and reviewed.

1.3. Operational tests are carried out according to system specifications, technical manuals and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements.

1.4. Faulty components and blockages are identified and documented according to enterprise policy and procedures.

2. Shut down/isolate component

2.1. Shut own sequence and isolation procedures are applied as required according to system specifications and technical manuals.

2.2. Safe shutdown or isolation is verified.

2.3. Safety/security lock off devices and signage is installed according to enterprise policy and procedures.

3. Replace faulty components and clear blockages

3.1. Access to faulty components and blockages is arranged.

3.2. Faulty components are removed from the system, according to system specifications and technical manuals, and repaired or disposed of in an environmentally responsible way.

3.3. Replaceable components are selected from manufacturer catalogues and procured using enterprise procedures.

3.4. Replacement components are installed to meet system specifications according to technical manuals.

3.5. Replace faulty components and clear blockages are carried out without unnecessary damage to surrounding site and structures.

3.6. Blockages are cleared or blocked sections replaced according to enterprise procedures.

4. Return system to normal operating status

4.1. Isolated or shutdown components are returned to service.

4.2. Operational tests are carried out according to system specifications, technical manuals and OHS requirements.

4.3. System is returned to normal operational set-up.

4.4. Repair activities are reported and recorded according to enterprise policy and procedures.

Required Skills and Knowledge


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.

Required skills 

  • identify adverse environmental impacts of irrigation activities and appropriate remedial action
  • operate, maintain and repair irrigation systems
  • shut down and isolate components
  • replace components
  • carry out operational tests
  • implement and follow relevant enterprise OHS and environmental policies and procedures
  • use literacy skills to read, interpret and follow organisational policies and procedures, follow sequenced written instructions, record information collected accurately and legibly, and select and apply procedures for a range of tasks
  • use oral communication skills/language competence to fulfil the job role as specified by the organisation, including questioning techniques, active listening, clarifying information and consulting with supervisors as required
  • use numeracy skills to estimate, calculate and record routine workplace measures
  • use interpersonal skills to work with and relate to people from a range of cultural, social and religious backgrounds and with a range of physical and mental abilities.

Required knowledge 

  • identification, characteristics and operation of replaceable components of irrigation systems
  • system malfunctions and their likely causes
  • environmental impacts of irrigation, using water from any ground or underground source
  • purchasing procedures
  • isolation procedures
  • enterprise policies and procedures
  • irrigation, OHS and environmental guidelines.

Evidence Guide


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Overview of assessment 

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit 

The evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit must be relevant to workplace operations and satisfy holistically all of the requirements of the performance criteria and required skills and knowledge and include achievement of the following:

  • read and apply system specifications, technical manuals and supply/spare parts inventories
  • locate and identify faulty components and blockages
  • apply shutdown sequence and isolation procedures
  • remove faulty components from the system and install replacements
  • clear blockages or replace blocked sections
  • return isolated or shutdown components to service.

Context of and specific resources for assessment 

Competency requires the application of work practices under work conditions. Selection and use of resources for some worksites may differ due to the regional or enterprise circumstances.

Range Statement


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole.

System may include:

  • pressurised irrigation systems, such as micro-irrigation, spray irrigation or gravity-fed irrigation systems.

Unit Sector(s)

Unit sector 


Co-requisite units

Co-requisite units 

Competency field

Competency field