

Qualification details

AHC60415 - Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (Release 4)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to AHC60410 - Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land ManagementThis qualification is equivalent to AHC60410 Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management. 26/Jun/2016
Is superseded by and equivalent to AHC60422 - Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementQualification title changed. Removed and updated elective units 23/Jan/2023

ReleaseRelease date
4 (this release) 24/Dec/2020
(View details for release 3) 21/Oct/2019
(View details for release 2) 21/Dec/2017
(View details for release 1) 27/Jun/2016

Training packages that include this qualification

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
PUAFIR601 - Develop and administer organisational policies, procedures and practicesDevelop and administer organisational policies, procedures and practicesCurrentElective
PSPPCY010 - Manage policy implementationManage policy implementationSupersededElective
AHCILM601 - Manage cultural processes in an Indigenous organisationManage cultural processes in an Indigenous organisationSupersededElective
AHCBER602 - Plan and oversee a biosecurity emergency incidentPlan and oversee a biosecurity emergency incidentCurrentElective
AHCLPW602 - Coordinate the preparation of a regional resource management planCoordinate the preparation of a regional resource management planCurrentElective
AHCWRK511 - Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainabilityDevelop workplace policy and procedures for sustainabilitySupersededElective
AHCCCF601 - Coordinate the development of regional plansCoordinate the development of regional plansSupersededElective
AHCBUS610 - Manage agribusiness riskManage agribusiness riskCurrentElective
AHCNRM605 - Develop a monitoring, evaluation and reporting programDevelop a monitoring, evaluation and reporting programCurrentElective
AHCNRM604 - Review ecological management plans and strategiesReview ecological management plans and strategiesCurrentElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 16


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 234314 Park Ranger 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0509 Environmental Studies 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 411 Advanced Diploma 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Pest Management,Weed Management,Environmental Protection 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Landcare Manager,Park Ranger,Soil Conservation Specialist,Natural Resource Manager,Land Management Unit Supervisor,Environmental Officer (Lands, Parks and Wildlife),Indigenous Land Manager 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 234314 Park Ranger 14/Oct/2016 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0509 Environmental Studies 14/Oct/2016 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 411 Advanced Diploma 27/Jun/2016 
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Modification History



Release 4

This version released with AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Version 6.0.

Release 3

This version released with AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Version 4.0.

Release 2

This version released with AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Version 2.0.

Release 1

This version released with AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Version 1.0.

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the roles of individuals working in regional and senior management roles in conservation and land management.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Packaging Rules

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:

  • 8 units of competency:
  • 0 core units plus
  • 8 elective units.

Elective units must ensure the integrity of the qualification’s Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. The electives are to be chosen as follows:

  • 6 units from the elective list
  • 2 units may be selected from the elective list of this or any other endorsed Training Package or Accredited Course.

Elective Units



Plan and oversee a biosecurity emergency incident



Manage agribusiness risk


Manage human resources


Implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program


Review ecological management plans and strategies


Develop a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program


Manage budgets and financial plans


Develop and implement business plans


Manage policy implementation


Assist with formulation and implementation of plans and policies


Develop and administer organisational policies, procedures and practices

Community coordination and facilitation


Coordinate the development of regional plans

Indigenous land management


Manage cultural processes in an Indigenous organisation

Lands, parks and wildlife


Coordinate the preparation of a regional resource management plan



Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability


Monitor projects in a program

Prerequisite requirements

Unit of competency

Prerequisite requirement

PUAFIR601 Develop and administer organisational policies, procedures and practices

PUAFIR504 Assist with formulation and implementation of plans and policies

Qualification Mapping Information

Code and title current version

Code and title previous version


Equivalence status

AHC60415 Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management Release 4

AHC60415 Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land Management Release 3

Updated elective unit codes



Companion Volumes, including Implementation Guides, are available at VETNet: - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=c6399549-9c62-4a5e-bf1a-524b2322cf72