Modification History
Not Applicable
This qualification provides a general vocational outcome for a nurseryperson working in a production nursery. The nursery industry expects this qualification to be achieved to meet job outcomes at this level.
Pathways Information
Qualification pathways
Pathways into the qualification
This qualification may be accessed by direct entry.
Pathways from the qualification
Further training pathways from this qualification include, but are not limited to, Certificate IV in Production Nursery or Certificate IV in Retail Nursery.
Australian Apprenticeships
This qualification is suitable for an Australian Apprenticeship.
Job roles
Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:
Nursery worker
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not Applicable
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements for this qualification.
Employability Skills Summary
Employability Skill |
Industry /enterprise requirements for this qualification include : |
Communication |
Teamwork |
Problem-solving |
Initiative and enterprise |
Planning and organising |
Self-management |
Learning |
Technology |
Packaging Rules
Packaging Rules
Completion of sixteen (16) units made up of thirteen (13) core units and three (3) elective units.
- a minimum of two (2) units must come from the elective unit list.
- a maximum of one (1) unit may be selected from units aligned to Certificates II, III or IV in AHC10 or from any other currently endorsed training package or accredited course. Selected units must be relevant to job outcomes in the nursery industry.
Occupational Health and Safety
AHCOHS301A Contribute to OHS processes
AHCBIO301A Work effectively in an emergency disease or plant pest response
AHCCHM303A Prepare and apply chemicals
AHCCHM304A Transport, handle and store chemicals
AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems
Pest management
AHCPMG301A Control weeds
AHCPMG302A Control plant pests, diseases and disorders
Soils and media
AHCSOL301A Prepare growing media
AHCSOL401A Sample soils and interpret results
AHCPCM301A Implement a plant nutrition program
AHCPCM302A Provide information on plants and their culture
AHCNSY301A Maintain nursery plants
AHCNSY302A Receive and dispatch nursery products
AHCBIO302A Identify and report unusual disease or plant pest signs
AHCBIO303A Carry out emergency disease or plant pest control procedures at infected premises
AHCBIO304A Carry out movement and security procedures
AHCBIO305A Monitor and review biosecurity measures
AHCBUS404A Operate within a budget framework
AHCCHM302A Fumigate soil using chemicals
AHCHYD301A Implement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems
AHCHYD302A Install hydroponic systems
AHCIRG301A Implement a maintenance program for an irrigation system
AHCIRG302A Install irrigation systems
AHCIRG303A Measure irrigation delivery system performance
AHCIRG305A Operate pressurised irrigation systems
Machinery operation and maintenance
AHCMOM304A Operate machinery and equipment
Merchandising and sales
AHCMER301A Process customer complaints
AHCMER303A Sell products and services
SIRXINV002A Maintain and order stock
SIRXMER001A Merchandise products
SIRXMER005A Create a display
SIRXSLS002A Advise on products and services
AHCNSY303A Install and maintain plant displays
AHCNSY304A Deliver and promote sales of plants
AHCNSY305A Prepare specialised plants
AHCNSY306A Implement a propagation plan
AHCNSY307A Operate fertigation equipment
AHCWAT301A Monitor and operate water treatment processes
AHCWRK303A Respond to emergencies
AHCWRK305A Coordinate work site activities
AHCWRK313A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices