

Accredited course details

10601NAT - Certificate III in Catholic Youth Ministry and Leadership


Currency period start:
Currency period end:
End reason:
Accreditation period was ended and the course replaced 
Currency period comment:
Initial expiry date was 28/02/22. Accreditation cancelled to enable transition to course - 11011NAT 
Renewal application received:
Outcome of application:
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 
The vocational employment outcomes for students in the Certificate III in Catholic Youth Ministry and Leadership are the foundational knowledge and skills required for youth ministry and youth leadership within the Catholic Church. Students will develop foundational knowledge and its application in catechesis, in prayer and worship, pastoral care, community life and leadership development.

Typical roles include volunteer assistant youth leader, assisting with the various youth ministries; student leader within Catholic schools; and assistant youth minister with a Catholic School Retreat team.
The new version of this course is 11011NAT

Currency period history

AuthoritySort Table listing Currency Periods History by the Authority columnStart dateSort Table listing Currency Periods History by the Start date columnEnd dateSort Table listing Currency Periods History by the End date columnEnd ReasonCommentSort Table listing Currency Periods History by the Comment column
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 01/Mar/201731/Dec/202112 - Accreditation period was ended and the course replacedInitial expiry date was 28/02/22. Accreditation cancelled to enable transition to course - 11011NAT 

Currency period application renew history

Currency Period Start dateCurrency Period End dateApplication RenewOutcome of applicationDate of effect

Completion mapping

CodeSort Table listing Mappings History by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Mappings History by the Title columnStatus/UsageStart dateSort Table listing Mappings History by the Start date columnEnd dateSort Table listing Mappings History by the End date column
CYMDSL301 - Develop spiritual life plansDevelop spiritual life plans Non-Current01/Mar/2017 
CYMPCF301 - Promote the Catholic faith in interactions with othersPromote the Catholic faith in interactions with others Non-Current01/Mar/2017 
HLTWHS001 - Participate in workplace health and safetyParticipate in workplace health and safety Current01/Mar/2017 
CHCVOL001 - Be an effective volunteerBe an effective volunteer Current01/Mar/2017 
CYMDCL301 - Develop Christian leadership skillsDevelop Christian leadership skills Non-Current01/Mar/2017 
CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse peopleWork with diverse people Current01/Mar/2017 
CYMPCE301 - Participate in Christian event managementParticipate in Christian event management Non-Current01/Mar/2017 
CHCYTH001 - Engage respectfully with young peopleEngage respectfully with young people Superseded01/Mar/2017 
CYMMYP301 - Mentor a young person in their faith journeyMentor a young person in their faith journey Non-Current01/Mar/2017 
BSBCMM211 - Apply communication skillsApply communication skills Current16/Mar/2021 
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Completion mapping history

CodeSort Table listing Mappings History by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Mappings History by the Title columnStatus/UsageStart dateSort Table listing Mappings History by the Start date columnEnd dateSort Table listing Mappings History by the End date column
BSBCMM211 - Apply communication skillsApply communication skills Current16/Mar/2021 
BSBCMM411 - Make presentationsMake presentations Current16/Mar/2021 
BSBTWK201 - Work effectively with othersWork effectively with others Current16/Mar/2021 
BSBPEF301 - Organise personal work prioritiesOrganise personal work priorities Current16/Mar/2021 
FSKOCM007 - Interact effectively with others at workInteract effectively with others at work Current16/Mar/2021 
CYMDSL301 - Develop spiritual life plansDevelop spiritual life plans Non-Current01/Mar/2017 
CYMPCF301 - Promote the Catholic faith in interactions with othersPromote the Catholic faith in interactions with others Non-Current01/Mar/2017 
HLTWHS001 - Participate in workplace health and safetyParticipate in workplace health and safety Current01/Mar/2017 
BSBCMM201 - Communicate in the workplaceCommunicate in the workplace Superseded01/Mar/201715/Mar/2021
FSKOCM07 - Interact effectively with others at workInteract effectively with others at work Superseded01/Mar/201715/Mar/2021
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 19


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 411716 Youth Worker 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0905 Human Welfare Studies And Services 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 
Nationally Recognised Training Type 12 Course 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 411716 Youth Worker 01/Mar/2017 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0905 Human Welfare Studies And Services 01/Mar/2017 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 01/Mar/2017 
Nationally Recognised Training Type 12 Course 01/Mar/2017 


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Restrictions history

RestrictionStart DateEnd Date
No records to display.


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