

Regulatory Decision Details


Decision Reference: RD0000760


Decision Status:
Decision finalised
Review Status:
Additional Details:


Regulatory Decision:
Impose condition(s) on the provider's registration
Decision made under:
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011-s29
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision:
Effective Date:
End Date:

Decision Details

  1. For every training and assessment activity conducted by the Applicant, for each student it must contemporaneously produce a record of:
    • the location,
    • the duration of the activity,
    • the identity of the trainer/assessor conducting the training or assessment activity; and,
    • a detailed description of the activity and any outcome;
  2. The Applicant must retain and present to ASQA on request any completed pre-enrolment, enrolment, support and progression or training assessment records, for all VET students for all VET courses for a period of two (2) years from the date on which the student ceases to be a student;
  3. All documents relating to each VET student must be stored, and be able to be produced, on request within 5 business days to ASQA;
  4. For a period of two years:
    • Every 6 months the Applicant must create and store a signed statutory declaration by a director, certifying whether it currently complies with each clause of the Standards for RTOs and the basis on which they made that determination; and,
    • Every 6 months the Applicant must create and store the following information, a detailed description of:
      • how the Applicant ensures its operations are quality assured as required by clause 2.1 of the Standards for RTOs, including by detailing, its systems and processes and the implementation of those systems and processes to ensure it complies with each clause of the Standards for RTOs at all times; and
      • the progress of any compliance monitoring or quality assurance activity it has undertaken in relation to ensuring compliance with each clause of the Standards for RTOs in the preceding 6 months and that it has scheduled in the 6 months; and,
      • annex copies of any documents created, used or relied upon to monitor and/or ensure compliance and quality as referred to in that description.

History of Events

Previous events that affect this decision. Events show steps associated with the decision process, such as the lodgement of applications. Decisions affect the status of registration
Event DetailsDecision MakerEvent dateEvent StatusMore Information
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Regulatory decision AAT 21/Aug/2019Imposed View details for

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