

Organisation details

40623 - Gold Coast Institute of Technology Pty Ltd


The following 6 links change the content below.


Legal name:
Gold Coast Institute of Technology Pty Ltd 
Business name(s):
Gold Coast Institute of Technology
GC Institute 
125 714 070
RTO type:
Education/training Business Or Centre: Privately Operated Registered Training Organisation

Organisation code history

Responsible legal person history

Legal nameACNABNStart dateEnd date
Gold Coast Institute of Technology Pty Ltd 125 714 07073125714070 23/Oct/2015 
Gold Coast Institute of Technology Pty Ltd as the Trustee for GCIT Trust 125 714 07073125714070 01/Oct/201522/Oct/2015
Gold Coast Institute of Technology Pty Ltd as the Trustee for GCIT Trust 125 714 07098396031805 26/Aug/201430/Sep/2015
Gold Coast Institute of Technology Pty Ltd as the Trustee for GCIT Trust 000 000 00098396031805 13/Mar/201325/Aug/2014

Web address history

Web addressStart dateEnd date
http://www.gcinstitute.qld.edu.au/ (external link)06/Jun/2015 

Business name history

Business nameStart dateEnd date
GC Institute 03/Jul/2018 
Gold Coast Institute of Technology 13/Mar/2013 

RTO type history

CodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
91 Education/training Business Or Centre: Privately Operated Registered Training Organisation 13/Mar/2013