

Qualification details

CSC30112 - Certificate III in Correctional Practice (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to CSC30107 - Certificate III in Correctional PracticeThree specialisation streams added to qualification. New units added to elective bank. Imported units updated. 29/Apr/2012
Is superseded by and equivalent to CSC30115 - Certificate III in Correctional PracticeSupersedes and equivalent to CSC30112 Certificate III in Correctional Practice. CSC unit codes updated. Custodial specialisation group updated: CSCSAS006 Respond to medical emergencies replaced by CSCSAS005 Contain incident that jeopardise safety and security. Imported elective units updated, imported units added: • HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation • HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situations • HLTAID008 Manage first aid services and resources • MSAPMOHS216A Operate breathing apparatus 02/Aug/2015
Supersedes and is equivalent to CSC30207 - Certificate III in Correctional Practice (Custodial) 29/Apr/2012
Supersedes and is equivalent to CSC30307 - Certificate III in Correctional Practice (Community) 29/Apr/2012

ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 02/Nov/2012
(View details for release 1) 30/Apr/2012

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
CSCOFM305A - Supervise offendersSupervise offendersSupersededN/A
CSCOFM306A - Supervise offenders in the communitySupervise offenders in the communitySupersededN/A
PSPOHS301A - Contribute to workplace safetyContribute to workplace safetyDeletedN/A
CSCSAS302A - Control incidents using defensive tacticsControl incidents using defensive tacticsSupersededN/A
CPPFES2005A - Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipmentDemonstrate first attack firefighting equipmentSupersededN/A
CSCSAS207A - Operate central monitoring stationOperate central monitoring stationSupersededN/A
CSCORG304 - Work effectively with culturally diverse offenders and colleaguesWork effectively with culturally diverse offenders and colleaguesSupersededN/A
CSCTRA201A - Maintain security during escortMaintain security during escortSupersededN/A
PSPGOV308B - Work effectively with diversityWork effectively with diversitySupersededN/A
CSCOFM203A - Maintain the health, safety and welfare of offendersMaintain the health, safety and welfare of offendersSupersededN/A
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 42


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 442111 Prison Officer 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 6393-11 Prison Officer 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0911 Justice And Law Enforcement 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Correctional Services,Juvenile Justice 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Detention Centre Officer,Juvenile Custodial Officer,Compliance Officer (Corrections),Correctional Officer,Indigenous Liaison Officer (Corrections),Home Detention Officer,Detention Centre Assistant 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 442111 Prison Officer 03/Sep/2012 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 6393-11 Prison Officer 03/Sep/2012 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0911 Justice And Law Enforcement 03/Sep/2012 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 30/Apr/2012 
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Modification History





CSC12 V1.1

Equivalent imported elective units updated.


CSC12 V1

Primary release. Equivalent to CSC30107 from CSC07 V1.2.


This qualification allows for the achievement of general competencies and also specialisation in Custodial, Community or Youth Custodial streams.

The Generalist qualification covers the competencies required by staff members with non-operational roles, and staff whose work roles are not defined in specialist sector responsibilities.

The Community specialisation covers the competencies required by staff members who will be supervising offenders directly or indirectly in the community and within specified parameters of responsibility defined by work activities or the complexity of assessment offender’s needs and risks.

The Custodial specialisation covers the competencies required by staff members usually enrolled in an entry-level training program and required to demonstrate their capacity to assume custodial officer responsibilities. At the completion of this qualification, officers will be expected to assume full custodial duties.

The Youth Custodial specialisation covers the competencies required by staff members who will be supervising youth offenders in a custodial environment.

Additional qualification advice  

Where a specialist qualification is undertaken as described below, an additional descriptor may be added to this qualification to illustrate the particular skills focus or discipline e.g. custodial. For further information, see the Industry Specialisation section of the Qualifications Framework.

Pathways Information

Not applicable.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Entry Requirements

Not applicable.

Employability Skills Summary

Due to the use of core units throughout the three qualifications at Certificate III level and the effective coverage of employability skills facets within those core units, this summary should be applied to all qualifications at this level. Use of specialist core and elective units within qualifications further enhances existing coverage derived from the core units.

The following table contains a summary of the employability skills required by the correctional services industryat Certificate III level. The employability skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on qualification packaging options.



Aspects of the skill that employers identify as important. The nature and application of these facets will vary depending on industry and job type.


  • use a range of workplace communication strategies for interacting confidently with clients and colleagues
  • communicate in a culturally appropriate language and style
  • consider possible language or literacy difficulties when communicating with others
  • use verbal and non-verbal communication techniques that achieve effective and purposeful exchange of information, including:
  • effective listening and questioning
  • giving and receiving constructive feedback
  • appropriate non-verbal techniques
  • exploring options
  • encouraging positive involvement and contributions
  • identifying areas of agreement
  • recording agreements
  • culturally appropriate strategies, language and non-verbal cues
  • variety of words and language structures to explain complex ideas to different audiences
  • strategies to overcome barriers to communication
  • take appropriate precautions and follow organisation’s guidelines and procedures to ensure security of information when communicating confidential or sensitive information and when handling and storing records
  • report possible breaches of security or misuse of information through appropriate channels in a timely manner
  • record written communication in required format, style, structure and timeframe, ensuring that it complies with legislative requirements and organisational policies and procedures


  • demonstrate respect for differences in personal values and beliefs and recognise value of differences in team relationships
  • use opportunities to develop and maintain a supportive and trusting working relationship with people, consistent with organisation’s philosophy, objectives, and statutory and ethical obligations
  • cooperate with others in work group, sharing knowledge to complete tasks
  • make constructive contributions to team work, providing formal and informal feedback on work group effectiveness
  • deal ethically with colleagues, offenders and members of the public

Problem solving 

  • identify and address routine workplace problems using collaboration and assistance from colleagues
  • resolve problems according to organisational guidelines through discussion and cooperation in the work group
  • use a range of decision making or problem-solving models to resolve problems
  • record decision-making processes used to resolve problems
  • identify and resolve hazards in the workplace and report them to designated personnel according to workplace procedures
  • use customised solutions to client needs within limits of own authority and according to legislation, policy and procedures, including:
  • using information to develop options for consideration and action
  • identifying ambiguity and uncertainty relating to changed roles, functions and procedures
  • using problem-focused strategies for coping

Initiative and enterprise 

  • take initiative within boundaries of job description, level of authority and delegation
  • use professional and community contacts to promote a positive image of the organisation and its services
  • exercise judgment to resolve workplace issues, including impartial evaluation of conflicting requirements
  • use ethical decision-making processes and procedures
  • challenge unprofessional and inappropriate attitudes and behaviours while responding to diversity, including gender and disability
  • establish new network links with key internal stakeholders according to legislation, policies and procedures
  • seek assistance in resolving misunderstandings or conflict situations that arise within internal networks in line with principles of conflict resolution
  • provide feedback on the effectiveness of safety procedures and risk control measures to enable improvements to be made where necessary

Planning and organising 

  • contribute to planning of work unit goals and strategies consistent with departmental policy and guidelines
  • participate in routine review of security procedures and responses, risk control and workplace practices according to level of responsibility
  • prepare for, implement and monitor change and work with ambiguity in the face of change
  • identify opportunities for continuous improvement and refer for approval and action
  • contribute to participative workplace safety arrangements within organisational procedures and scope of responsibilities and competencies


  • work effectively by evaluating and developing own expertise, identifying career options, working within organisational structure and culture
  • manage personal work practices, behaviour and responsibilities in line with organisation’s policies, procedures and code of conduct
  • maintain positive and professional personal behaviour and presentation according to organisational requirements
  • ensure individual work practices comply with workplace procedures in a manner that has regard for the work group position and organisation’s structure, function, culture and vision
  • observe diversity and safety in the workplace within scope of responsibilities and competencies
  • monitor work progress relative to set goals, strategies and outcomes, including:
  • identifying risks to achievement of personal work outcomes
  • managing risks according to organisational risk management requirements
  • revising work plans to attend to ongoing or new responsibilities
  • using self-reflection
  • negotiating work group tasks in accordance with individual strengths, personal preferences or development needs


  • maintain and develop workplace skills and knowledge and professional development through use of personal learning activities
  • review and assess skills and knowledge using a variety of methods to identify training needs, training opportunities, developmental opportunities or learning activities; to address those needs; and to further develop skills and knowledge
  • maintain currency of knowledge by checking for new procedures, policies, processes and guidelines to ensure that knowledge of changes and new requirements is maintained
  • set personal learning goals and monitor progress towards them, including:
  • identifying career options and pathways, potential competency recognition or development opportunities and applying them according to organisational policies and procedures
  • assessing work-related competencies by reflecting on workplace experience and training
  • monitoring feedback on performance in the workplace
  • seek and use feedback to continuously improve personal effectiveness in working with diversity


  • operate workplace equipment and technology, including communication technology, security technology and information management technology
  • use a range of workplace equipment and technology for storing and retrieving data according to established procedures and guidelines, including:
  • computer networks and information systems
  • radio and communication equipment
  • restraint equipment
  • security monitoring equipment
  • office technology
  • motor vehicles

Due to the high proportion of electives required by this qualification, the industry/enterprise requirements described above for each employability skill are representative of the correctional services industry in general and may not reflect specific job roles. Learning and assessment strategies for this qualification should be based on the requirements of the units of competency for this qualification.

This table is a summary of employability skills that are typical of this qualification and should not be interpreted as definitive.

Packaging Rules

16 units of competency are required for this qualification including:

  • 5 core units
  • 11 elective units

Choose the elective units from the stipulated Groups. Up to 6 electives may be selected from elsewhere within this Training Package. Alternatively, up to 4 electives may be selected from another endorsed Training Package, or  from an Accredited Course.

All elective units selected from outside this qualification must be from an equivalent qualification level or higher.

Specialist qualification 

16 units of competency are required for this specialist qualification including:

  • 5 core units
  • 5 specialisation units from Group A or  Group B or  Group C, plus 
  • 6 elective units from any Group

Choose the elective units from the stipulated Groups. Up to 6 electives may be selected from elsewhere within this Training Package. Alternatively, up to 4 electives may be selected from another endorsed Training Package, or  from an Accredited Course.

All elective units selected from outside this qualification must be from an equivalent qualification level or higher.

Elective units selected should not duplicate content already covered by other units in this qualification. 

Core units 


Contribute to achieving the goals of the organisation


Communicate effectively


Prepare reports


Maintain security


Contribute to workplace safety

Group A: Custodial specialisation  (all units required for specialisation)


Respond to medical emergencies


Supervise offenders


Maintain security system


Control incidents using defensive tactics


Conduct searches

Group B: Community specialisation  (all units required for specialisation)


Supervise offenders in the community


Support offender to maintain positive relationships


Promote cooperative behaviour


Prepare reports for justice agencies


Conduct interviews

Group C: Youth Custodial specialisation  (all units required for specialisation)


Protect the safety and welfare of young offenders


Promote cooperative behaviour


Conduct searches


Plan and conduct group activities


Work effectively with young people

Group D: General elective units 


Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices


Undertake case management


Maintain the health, safety and welfare of offenders


Protect the safety and welfare of vulnerable offenders


Protect the safety and welfare of Aboriginal and Torres Strait offenders


Respond to offenders influenced by drugs or alcohol


Process offender induction


Provide responsible care to people with a mental health problem and or condition


Supervise female offenders


Work effectively with culturally diverse offenders and colleagues


Operate central monitoring station


Supervise attendance at court


Manage conflict through negotiation


Maintain security during escort


Demonstrate first attack fire fighting equipment


Apply first aid


Provide first aid in remote situation


Obtain representative samples in accordance with sampling plan


Work effectively with diversity


Work effectively in the organisation


Use workplace communication strategies


Provide work skill instruction


Operate commercial vehicle


Apply fatigue management strategies