

Organisation details

70206 - The Institute of Applied Psychology Pty Ltd


The following 6 links change the content below.


Legal name:
The Institute of Applied Psychology Pty Ltd 
Business name(s):
Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy
Beyond NLP 
138 386 553
RTO type:
Education/training Business Or Centre: Privately Operated Registered Training Organisation

Organisation code history

Responsible legal person history

Legal nameACNABNStart dateEnd date
The Institute of Applied Psychology Pty Ltd 138 386 55360138386553 29/Nov/2018 
Epiphany Learning Pty Ltd 138 386 55360138386553 13/Jul/201728/Nov/2018
Institute of Human Technology Pty Ltd 138 386 55360138386553 23/Sep/201312/Jul/2017
National Centre for Uniform Laws Pty Ltd 138 386 55300000000000 10/Aug/201222/Sep/2013
National Centre for Uniform Laws 138 386 55300000000000 02/Nov/201109/Aug/2012

Web address history

Web addressStart dateEnd date
https://iap.edu.au/ (external link)08/Feb/2020 
http://www.aich.edu.au (external link)10/Oct/201407/Feb/2020
http://www.iht.edu.au (external link)16/Oct/201309/Oct/2014
http://www.acfec.edu.au (external link)02/Nov/201115/Oct/2013

Business name history

Business nameStart dateEnd date
Institute of Applied Psychology 24/May/201601/Dec/2019
Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy 16/Oct/2013 
Beyond NLP 16/Oct/2013 

RTO type history

CodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
91 Education/training Business Or Centre: Privately Operated Registered Training Organisation 15/Sep/2015 
61 Community Based Adult Education Provider 02/Nov/201114/Sep/2015