

Organisation details

40170 - Spark Infrastructure SA Pty Ltd [No. 1, 2, 3], CKI Utilities Development Limited, PAI Utilities Development Limited


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Legal name:
Spark Infrastructure SA Pty Ltd [No. 1, 2, 3], CKI Utilities Development Limited, PAI Utilities Development Limited 
Business name(s):
SA Power Networks 
RTO type:
Enterprise - Non-Government

Organisation code history

Responsible legal person history

Legal nameACNABNStart dateEnd date
Spark Infrastructure SA Pty Ltd [No. 1, 2, 3], CKI Utilities Development Limited, PAI Utilities Development Limited 13332330749 12/Jun/2019 
Spark Infrastructure SA[No1] Pty Ltd, Spark Infrastructure SA[No2] Pty Ltd., Spark Infrastructure SA[No3] Pty Ltd., incorporated in Australia CKI Utilities Development Limited, PAI Utilities Developme 13332330749 19/Nov/201211/Jun/2019
CKI Utilities Development Ltd / HEI Utilities Development Ltd / Spark Infrastructure SA (No1) Pty Ltd / Spark Infrastructure SA (No2) Pty Ltd / Spark Infrastructure SA (No3) Pty Ltd 13332330749 09/Jun/200518/Nov/2012

Web address history

Web addressStart dateEnd date
http://www.sapowernetworks.com.au (external link)19/Nov/2012 
http://www.etsa.com.au/ (external link)04/Apr/201218/Nov/2012

Business name history

Business nameStart dateEnd date
SA Power Networks 19/Nov/2012 

RTO type history

CodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
53 Enterprise - Non-Government 19/Nov/2012 
51 Enterprise - Government 09/Jun/200518/Nov/2012